Living Dead is the name of our youth group that meets at 6:45PM in the Church Sanctuary on Wednesdays. It comes from Colossians 2:13, which says,
“You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.”
That means that all of us Christians have risen from the dead. Our name is meant to emphasize that truth, while hopefully being weird and shocking enough to point to another truth; Rising from the dead is a significant thing in a dead world. That means we should walk differently than the dead things. That means we should stick together as we have something essential in common, we’re not dead anymore. Our church is alive in a dead world, this should be the place that we want to be. This is where we come together to praise the God who saved us. This is where we learn to reach the dead world as we live in it. The mission of Living Dead Youth Group is to communicate these truths and put them to practice.